About the AHDB RB209 Web API Application

Contact Details

To contact us please use one of the following:

Email: nutrient.management@ahdb.org.uk

Phone: 024 7647 8784

Address: AHDB, Middlemarch Business Park, Siskin Parkway East, Coventry, CV3 4PE


This application details how to connect to the Web API provided by AHDB to perform calculations using the RB209 methodology for nutrient management.

Note that in order to utilise the API, you will need to contact AHDB to request a licence. You will then be provided with credentials which need to be passed with each request in order to receive data and calculations back. Details on how to do this are below.

The current version of the Web API is: 1.0.8837.21712.

Open Government Licence

AHDB’s Nutrient Management Guide (RB209) and the RB209 Web API Application contain public-sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence (OGL)v3.0 nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-government-licence/version/3.

Request a Licence Key

To request a licence key to use the RB209 API, please follow the below link where you will need to provide a few details along with why you would like access.

Request a licence key