
Available connections relating to Advice Notes datasets

GET api/advicenote/advicenote_list

The full list of available Advice Notes

GET api/advicenote/advicenote_item/{advicenotecode}

Individual Advice Note Text filtered from the supplied corresponding Advice Note Code


Available connections relating to Arable & Horticulture datasets

GET api/arable/cropgroup_list

Full list of available Crop Groups

GET api/arable/cropgroup_item/{cropgroupid}

Individual Crop Group Text filtered from the supplied corresponding Crop Group ID

GET api/arable/croptype_list

The full list of available Crop Types

GET api/arable/croptype_list/{cropgroupid}

The filtered list of available Crop Types - filtered by Crop Group

GET api/arable/croptype_item/{croptypeid}

Individual Crop Type Text filtered from the supplied corresponding Crop Type ID

GET api/arable/cropinfo1_list

The full list of available Crop Info 1s

GET api/arable/cropinfo1_list/{croptypeid}

The filtered list of available Crop Info 1s - filtered by Crop Type

GET api/arable/cropinfo1_item/{croptypeid}/{cropinfo1id}

Individual Crop Info 1 Text filtered from the supplied corresponding Crop Type ID and Crop Info 1 ID provided

GET api/arable/cropinfo2_list

The full list of available Crop Info 2s (only required for Arable Cereals crops)

GET api/arable/cropinfo2_item/{cropinfo2id}

Individual Crop Info 2 Text filtered from the supplied corresponding Crop Info 2 ID (only required for Arable Cereals crops)

GET api/arable/potatogroup_list

The full list of available Potato Groups (only required for Arable Potato crops)

GET api/arable/potatogroup_item/{potatogroupid}

Individual Potato Group Text filtered from the supplied corresponding Potato Group ID (only required for Arable Potato crops)

GET api/arable/potatovariety_list

The full list of available Potato Varieties (only required for Arable Potato crops)

GET api/arable/potatovariety_list/{potatogroupid}

The filtered list of available Potato Varieties for the provided Potato Group ID (only required for Arable Potato crops)

GET api/arable/potatovariety_item/{potatovarietyid}

Individual Potato Variety Text filtered from the supplied corresponding Potato Variety ID (only required for Arable Potato crops)


Available connections relating to Field datasets

GET api/field/fieldtype_list

The full list of available Field Types

GET api/field/fieldtype_item/{fieldtypeid}

Individual Field Type Text filtered from the supplied corresponding Field Type ID

GET api/field/nutrient_list

The full list of available Nutrients

GET api/field/nutrient_item/{nutrientid}

Individual Nutrient Text filtered from the supplied corresponding Nutrient ID

GET api/field/secondcropgroup_list/{cropgroupid1}/{croptypeid1}

Some Crops (both Arable and Grassland) allow a second Crop to be sown in the same Crop Year: The filtered list of available Second Crop Groups after the first Crop

GET api/field/secondcroptype_list/{cropgroupid1}/{croptypeid1}/{cropgroupid2}

Some Crops (both Arable and Grassland) allow a second Crop to be sown in the same Crop Year: The filtered list of available Second Crop Types after the first Crop

GET api/field/siteclass_list

Site Class list

GET api/field/siteclass_item/{siteclassid}

Site Class of Site Class ID provided

GET api/field/siteclass_item/{soiltypeid}/{altitude}/{postcode}

Site Class of field


Available connections relating to Grassland datasets

GET api/grassland/grassgrowthclass_list

Full list of available Grass Growth Classes (GGC) for Grassland fields

GET api/grassland/grassgrowthclass_item/{grassgrowthclassid}

Individual Grass Growth Class (GGC) Text filtered from the supplied corresponding Grass Growth Class ID

GET api/grassland/grassgrowthclass/{soiltypeid}/{rainfall}/{altitude}/{chalk}

Calculate the Grass Growth Class (GGC) for a Grassland Field

GET api/grassland/soilnitrogensupply_list

Full list of available Soil Nitrogen Supply (SNS) Statuses for Grassland fields

GET api/grassland/soilnitrogensupply_item/{soilnitrogensupplyid}

Individual Soil Nitrogen Supply (SNS) Text filtered from the supplied corresponding Soil Nitrogen Supply ID

GET api/grassland/soilnitrogensupply/{grasshistoryid}

Calculate the Soil Nitrogen Supply (SNS) Status for a Grassland Field

GET api/grassland/grasshistory_list

Grass History list for determining the Soil Nitrogen Supply status of Grassland Fields

GET api/grassland/grasshistory_item/{grasshistoryid}

Grass History of Grass History ID provided

GET api/grassland/grasslandseason_list

Full list of available Grassland Seasons for Establishment in Grassland fields

GET api/grassland/grasslandseason_item/{seasonid}

Grass Season of Grass Season ID provided

GET api/grassland/grasslandfieldtype_list

Full list of available Grassland Field Types for Grassland fields

GET api/grassland/grasslandfieldtype_item/{fieldtypeid}

Grassland Field Type of Grassland Field Type ID provided

GET api/grassland/grasssequence_list/{seasonid}/{typeid}

Full list of available Grass Sequences for Grassland fields

GET api/grassland/grasssequence_item/{grasssequenceid}

Individual Grass Sequence Text filtered from the supplied corresponding Grass Sequence ID

GET api/grassland/sequenceitems_list

Full list of available Sequence Items for Grassland fields

GET api/grassland/sequenceitems_item/{sequenceitemid}

Individual Sequence Item Text filtered from the supplied corresponding Sequence Item ID

GET api/grassland/yieldtype_list

Full list of available Yield Types for Grassland fields

GET api/grassland/yieldtype_item/{yieldtypeid}

Individual Yield Type Text filtered from the supplied corresponding Yield Type ID

GET api/grassland/cropmaterial_list

Full list of available Crop Materials for Grassland fields

GET api/grassland/cropmaterial_item/{cropmaterialid}

Individual Crop Material Text filtered from the supplied corresponding Crop Material ID


Available connections relating to the Main datasets

POST api/main/recommendations

The main connection to calculate Nutrient Recommendations

POST api/main/simplifiedposttest

A Post connection with simplified input and output parameters to allow for testing


Available connections relating to Measurement data sets

GET api/measurement/cropheight_list

Full list of available Crop Heights

GET api/measurement/greenareaindex_list

Full list of available Green Area Indexes

GET api/measurement/shootnumber_list

Full list of available Shoot Numbers

GET api/measurement/season_list

Full list of available Seasons

POST api/measurement/measurementmethod

The connection to calculate SNS Index using the Measurement Method


Organic Materials Datasets

GET api/organicmaterial/organicmaterialcategory_list

Organic Material Category list

GET api/organicmaterial/organicmaterialcategory_item/{organicmaterialcategoryid}

Organic Material Category of Organic Material Category ID provided

GET api/organicmaterial/organicmaterialtype_list

Organic Material Types list

GET api/organicmaterial/organicmaterialtype_list/{drymattersplit}

Organic Material Types list, with option to return materials with seperate dry matter percentages, or just a single general material

GET api/organicmaterial/organicmaterialtype_list/{organicmaterialcategoryid}

Organic Material Types list filtered by Organic Material Category ID

GET api/organicmaterial/organicmaterialtype_list/{organicmaterialcategoryid}/{drymattersplit}

Organic Material Types list filtered by Organic Material Category ID, with option to return materials with seperate dry matter percentages, or just a single general material

GET api/organicmaterial/organicmaterialtype_item/{organicmaterialtypeid}

Organic Material Type of Organic Material Type ID provided

GET api/organicmaterial/organicmaterialtype_item/{organicmaterialtypeid}/{drymattersplit}

Organic Material Type of Organic Material Type ID provided, with option to return materials with seperate dry matter percentages, or just a single general material

GET api/organicmaterial/incorporationmethod_list

Organic Material Incorporation Method list

GET api/organicmaterial/incorporationmethod_list/{organicmaterialid}

Organic Material Incorporation Method list

GET api/organicmaterial/incorporationmethod_item/{incorporationmethodid}

Organic Material Incorporation Method of Incorporation Method ID provided


Available connections relating to Previous Cropping datasets

GET api/previouscropping/previousgrass_list

The full list of available Previous Grasses

GET api/previouscropping/previousgrass_item/{previousgrassid}

Individual Previous Grass Text filtered from the supplied corresponding Previous Grass ID


GET api/rainfall/rainfallaverage/{postcode}

Average Rainfall of field


Available connections relating to Soil Datasets

GET api/soil/soiltype_list

The full list of available Soil Types

GET api/soil/soiltype_item/{soiltypeid}

Individual Soil Type Text filtered from the supplied corresponding Soil Type

GET api/soil/methodology_list/{nutrientid}

The filtered list of available Soil Methodologies - filtered by Nutrient

GET api/soil/methodology_item/{nutrientid}/{methodologyid}

Individual Soil Methodology Text filtered from the supplied corresponding Nutrient ID and Methodology ID

GET api/soil/nutrientindex_list/{nutrientid}/{methodologyid}

The filtered list of available Nutrient Indexes - filtered by Nutrient and Methodology

GET api/soil/nutrientindex_index/{nutrientid}/{nutrientvalue}/{methodologyid}

Individual Nutrient Index Index filtered from the supplied corresponding Nutrient ID, Nutrient Value and Methodology ID

GET api/soil/nutrientindex_item/{nutrientid}/{indexid}

Individual Nutrient Index filtered from the supplied corresponding Nutrient ID and Index ID

GET api/soil/getnutrientindexidfromvalue/{nutrientid}/{methodologyid}/{value}

Get a Nutrient Index ID from a provided Nutrient Value (kg/ha)

GET api/soil/nvzactionprogramme_list

The full list of NVZ Action Programmes

GET api/soil/nvzactionprogramme_item/{nvzactionprogrammeid}

Individual NVZ Action Programme Text filtered from the supplied corresponding NVZ Action Programme ID